Title IV-E Trainings

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tItle IV-E

Title IV-E of the Social Security Act provides funds to the states for child welfare services including training and support to child welfare staff and families.

We provide an expansive curriculum of courses that meet the requirements for Title IV-E training. We provide evidence based, informative trainings to people who provide services to children, youth, and families facing challenges under Title IV-E training eligibility.

The courses are designed to empower care providers with tools to support the vital services they deliver.

We provide a wide variety of evidence based courses designed to offer pertinent tools to support care providers including:
Addiction, Substance Use and Troublesome Use

Addiction as an Attachment Disorder

Emotional Well-Being: A Somatic Approach

Developing Emotional Self Regulation Within System Involved Youth

Crucial Conversation Skills for Working with System Involved Youth and Foster Families


Title IV-E Trainings for Alameda County

We are honored to provide Title IV-E training courses serving Alameda County through The Fred Finch Training Institute in partnership with Chabot-Las Positas College District, Alameda County.  Title IV-E Trainings offered by Evolution through Fred Finch are approved to provide CEUS and are offered at no cost.

The Fred Finch Training Institute provides high-quality training to people who provide services to children, youth, and families facing challenges.

Fred Finch Youth & Family Services is approved to provide CEUs by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. CEUs are available for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs, and LEPs. All training is offered, at no cost, in partnership with Chabot-Las Positas College District, Alameda County; and funded by Title IV-E.

Continuing Education Units

Fred Finch Youth & Family Services  is an approved Continuing Education Provider (#045295) by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapist for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs. Fred Finch maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be provided for most courses offered. CEUs will be provided within 30 days from the date of the training and will be sent via email to each individual attendee.

Trainings For Your Organization

Organizations serving Alameda County foster children and/or youth may request us to  provide on-site instruction at no cost through The Fred Finch Training Institute (contingent upon fund availability). We are able to design trainings specific to the needs of a group or organization.

For further information, to make a training request for your organization, please contact us: